Amazing Animals

We've been reading "Amazing Animals" in our reading basil this week.  The kiddos chose an animal from the story and then wrote about their animal's adaptation.    (you might have to click on each picture to be able to read what each child wrote)

Later, we played a "Who Am I?" game where I read some clues about animals and the students tried to guess my animal.  I then let the students choose an animal, write 3 clues and then had them read their clues to the rest of the class to see if they could guess their animal.  My firsties loved it! 
Here is a sample:
I want to give a shout out to our Lady Badgers who are playing in the state basketball tournament in Austin tomorrow! 
Our little town is so proud of these girls!
Go Badgers!!!!!!!!

Journeys Sight Words

Here are unit 4 and 5 rapid response sheets for the sight words that go with the Journeys reading series.  Click on the picture to grab yourself a copy.
You can grab the units below by clicking on these prior posts:

Penguin Pattern Freebie

Don't you just love teaching about penguins?  My kiddos sure love learning about them!

We kept a penguin journal all week and every day my students would write something they learned in them.  I took the picture of the journal before we added the wings.  (I always wait until Friday to let the kids put the wings on because they rip up with us trying to keep up with them all week.)  The journal is a 9 x 12 piece of black construction paper folded in half with some handwriting paper stapled inside.

Outside of journal:

Inside of journal:

The students filled out a can/have/are chart about penguins which I didn't get pictures of {so sad} and then they used their chart to write sentences about penguins.  Then they added the cute paper plate penguins. 

If you would like a copy of the patterns to make the penguin, then click on the picture below.