Candy Corn Missing Part/Fact Families and No Halloween Homework

The activity below is similar to the spider math activity that we did last week.  This time we are using candy corn as our manipulatives to figure out the missing part.  YUMMY!  After students figure out the missing part, they will write the fact families that go with their model.  Click on the picture below if you would like a copy!  (Cute candy corn clip art is from My Cute Graphics)

If you aren't sending homework on Trick or Treat night, then you might want to grab my "No Halloween Homework" poem.  Click on the picture to grab a copy.
Hope everyone survives Halloween week!  I'm already exhausted and its only Monday!

Spider Ring Math Manipulatives = FUN!

We are learning about spiders this week and I quickly came up with a little math activity to do during center time and my kids are loving it! 

I grabbed some spider rings at our local Dollar Store and cut off the ring part on a few of them and my students are using them as manipulatives to find the missing part.

After finding the missing part,
they have to write their four fact families.
You can grab yourself a copy of this activity by clicking on the picture below:

The super cute spider clip art came from My Cute Graphics.
Happy Teaching Friends!


OOPS!  Didn't get the winners posted last night.  Hubs wanted to go eat and see a movie so it ended up being date night.  Yay me!

These gals are getting a copy of the Bat Themed Literacy Centers:
Angie, Michelle and Julie!

Check your email girls!

Winner and . . . Another Give Away!

I saw the cutest bat clip art on MyCuteGraphics and knew I had to make something with it.  Laura Strickland does an excellent job!  I love her stuff and y'all, it is FREE!  How awesome is that?  If you are in need of some fabulous clip art, you seriously need to look at her stuff!
This packet has:
ABC order
Noun/Verb Sort
Sentence/Not a Sentence Sort
Rhyming Word Match Up
Sentence Scramble
If you want a chance to win the Bat Themed Literacy Center, leave me a comment and I will pick 3 winners on Friday!
I have some winners to announce for my Owl Themed Math and Literacy Centers.  They are:
Rachel, Dawn, and coltnd 
Thanks to everyone who played along!!!

Owl Themed Activities Give Away and Freebies!

Hey Bloggy Friends!  Sorry I've neglected my blog for a bit.  Life happens.  I won't bore you with the details.  I'll just get on with this post.

We've been learning about owls and it has been FUN!  We dissected owl pellets and the students loved it!  

We did some math and literacy centers that were owl themed and I put them together in a packet that is in my TpT store.  Since I've been MIA for awhile, I have decided to give away 3 for free in hopes that I still have a few followers.  :) 
(Click on the picture to get a look at exactly what is in the packet)

Leave your email address in a comment and I will choose 3 winners on Tuesday.

In the meantime, I do have some other owl freebies for you.  Click on any of the pictures to grab yourself a copy.

ABC order:

Least to Greatest:

What Number Comes Before and After:
Missing Addend:

Happy Teaching!