Writing (with picture clues)

We have been learning how to write 5 sentence paragraphs.  When I introduce this, I give the students a "picture clue plan sheet" (to help those students who get stumped coming up with something to write).

Here is a picture of one of our plan sheets and student samples of that writing.  (My students know that they have to start with the topic sentence and then the remaining 4 sentences can be written in any order they want.  As they write each sentence, they put a check in the box.)  FYI:  the student writings are written on some old computer paper our school had left over.  We have boxes and boxes of the stuff and it is great for writing.

If you would like a copy of some of the plan sheets we use, then you can grab yourself a copy below.  As students get pretty familiar with this, I try to wean them away from using picture clues and give them a blank plan sheet and have them write in whatever topic I give them and let them draw or write in the boxes what they are going to write about.  That is why there is  also a blank copy of the plan sheet included.

If you decide to download and use the plan sheets, please leave me a comment and tell me what you think and I would love to know if they worked in your classroom.

Happy Writing!


  1. This is pretty much brilliant! Thank you so much! I'll be using this in my classroom this week and sharing your idea with my grade level colleagues in my building!


    Oh My Little Classity Class

  2. Me again. Definitely brilliant! My kiddos are writing like nobody's business this week thanks to your great planning guides! Thank you, thank you!

    I've linked back to you on my blog post today.


    Oh My Little Classity Class

  3. I feel like I am a failure when it comes to teaching my students how to write! I was so excited to see this! Thank you so much for posting this.

    First Grade Delight

  4. What a great idea! I'm going to give it a try. Thank you for sharing.

  5. While others tell me I am a great writer, I really struggle in teaching writing to my students. Isn't that odd?!?!?

    Thanks for this visual. I am going to use it this week!

  6. I am a new follower and I'm sooooo very excited about your writing pages. I can not wait to use these. Excited doesn't even begin to express my excitement. Thank you so much!

  7. This is amazing. I have taught 1st and 4th, and now I am homeschooling my special needs son. We adopted him from foster care and he wasn't exposed to language until he was 2 1/2. Writing is difficult for him and I have been looking for picture prompts, mostly using ESL printables (even though English is his first language). Thank you thank you thank you!
