Early Bird Work Linky Party

I thought I would join Heidi's Early Bird Work Linky Party at Swamp Frog First Graders.  I am getting some great ideas.  I'm really digging Reagan's Daily Math and Daily Language Activities.  You can check it out on her blog Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits

I don't really have morning activities for two reasons.

Reason #1:  I teach at a school that provides breakfast for every student and they eat it in the classroom.  Yes, you read that right -IN THE CLASSROOM.  I can't see me putting a paper on a student's desk while they are trying to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Yes, you read that correctly too.  We have that for breakfast one day a week.  Other breakfast delights include sausage pancake on a stick (looks like a corn dog), cereal with milk, pigs in a blanket, and cheese omelets.  There are mornings that those desks have big greasy fingerprints or sticky messes all over them. 

Reason #2:  Not all my kids walk in the door at the same time.  Some walk in the door at 7:45 while others come walking in at 8:00.  You see the problem. 

So instead of written activities, we have a morning routine. 
I have this poster posted on my small bulletin board at the front of the classroom.
At approximately 8:00 announcements come on the speaker, we say the pledges together, finish up breakfast, clean up and go right into math calendar.

I have tried having something on the promethean board for students to work on or having a paper for them to do but this year it just hasn't flowed smoothly or worked out to my satisfation.  So for now, we are sticking to our morning routine. 

1 comment

  1. Thanks for linking up with the Morning Routine, Dawn. Can't imagine trying to get breakfast served in my room. Ours is served in the cafe....but not everyone eats breakfast. I like the picture anchor chart you have for your routine! Thanks for sharing!

    Swamp Frog First Graders
