Bugs on a Log

We finished up our butterfly/moth study this week with a little butterfly sipping experiment.  The students used their butterfly proboscis (straw) to sip nectar (apple juice) from a flower.

After we did this little experiment, the students had to come back and write what they learned about how butterflies eat:

Here were some of our centers this week:
Matching time to the hour and half hour.

 Unscramble the butterfly sentences:

Sort butterfly nouns and verbs: 

Next week, we are learning about insects so I will be carrying over some of the activities that are in my Butterfly Bonanza unit.  All the above activities are included in this unit and you can check them out by clicking on the picture.

For our writing center next week, the kids will be making "Bugs on a Log" and writing a "how to" telling how they did it.
These are my old posters that I used for this little activity (back when I literally cut and pasted everything!)

These are the ingredients you need to make "Bugs on a Log":

Now that I am becoming adept at using the handy dandy laptop, I have updated the old posters into these:

After they make their "Bugs on a Log", they will write how to do it on this sequencing/writing form:
Grab yourself a copy by clicking on one of the pictures above.
To make these posters, I used:  Graphics From the Pond http://frompond.blogspot.com

Happy Weekend Friends!


  1. Your sipping butterflies are cute.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  2. We are studying butterflies too and I love the sipping butterfly idea. So cute!

  3. Wow! You have some Cute ideas! Glad I found your blog. Please stop by and visit sometime.
    Classroom Companion

  4. Thanks for this! You are great! Keep up the great work! Using this for a birthday party!
