Little Botanists

We have been busy this week learning all about the parts of a plant, the functions of each part of the plant, and what plants need in order to survive.  We've also had some fun along the way.

We disected a seed and labeled its parts.

We disected plants too.  I had the kids fold a manilla piece of paper into fourths and label each square with:  petal, stem, leaf, roots.  They then found an example of each part and we taped it in each box.

We labeled the parts of a plant.

After learning the parts of the plant,
we then had to eat all the parts of the plant.
These were the parts we ate:

seed- sunflower seeds
root- carrot
stem- celery
leaf- spinach leaves
flower- broccoli  (the tips of broccoli are actually flower buds)
(FYI:  I let them eat the sunflower seeds as they were labeling the parts of their plant,
so they aren't included on their plates)

We also made this flip book where students wrote the funcion of eact part of the plant.

We also started this little experiment today to actually see what a stem does but we won't be able to see the results until tomorrow.
(And, no we didn't actually do this experiment by this electrical outlet because I am a safety girl, I just sat it up on this shelf out of the way so it wouldn't get knocked over from curious onlookers.)

BrainPop Jr. has a few good videos about plants.

We also planted bean and grass seeds. 

Hopefully when we start writing about plants tomorrow, my little firsties will have a wealth of knowledge to draw upon.

Happy Hump Day Friends!



  1. I love all of these great plant ideas! The plate with all of the foods divded into plant parts is a great visual! Thanks for sharing. I am your newest follower! Come check out my blog sometime if ya'd like :)

    The Second Grade Superkids

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  3. Your flip book is great! Where did you find the template? Thanks for sharing!

  4. I LOVE these ideas. do you have a template for the flower flip book template? I'd love to use it. Thank you!
