Giant slip and slide

Woo Hoo - 2 more days!!!!  
 We went to Camp Butman for our end of year field trip.  It is a Methodist youth camp retreat in our area.  They rolled out the giant slip and slide and the kids had a slipping and sliding good great time!

Makes me wish I was a first grader again.

Is it summer yet???????

Oh. My. Word. What a busy month this has been.  Three. More. Days.  I can do this! 
 We finished up the year learning about sea animals.    I made a sea animal fact book and we focused on one animal a day.  I made two different covers - one for boys and one for girls. 

Here is peak into the crab pages:

 Sea Anemone pages:

 We made sea anemones with paper towel rolls (cut down) and tissue paper but I forgot to take a picture. 

I will putting this in my TpT and TN stores at some point.

I am envious of you teachers who are already on break.  I am in need of a couple of weeks of down time, sleeping in, reading a book, and NOTHING to do with school.  :-)

Which Sailboat Am I?

I am not officially teaching my ocean unit until the week May 14. I have been laminating all my center stuff this week and I pulled out an "oldy but goody" to do. 

Students read clues to figure out which sailboat based on a set of particular attributes.  There is a whole group activity, a center or small group activity, and a page for independent practice.  Skills that the kids will be doing are:
problem solving,
following directions,
and observing. 

Best of all, this is a free download in my TpT store.  Just click on one of the pictures to take you there.  While you're there, I would love it if you would consider following my store and if you're not a follower of my little ole blog, I would appreciate you following me here too.