Inspector Hopper and TpT Sale

I love the story "A Boat Disappears" that we read last week in our basil.  I love all the humor in it and I love that my firsties actually got it!  Such a cute story.  Students had to decide what kind of detective they thought Insepector Hopper was and then they had to show evidence from the story to support their reasons.

This activity can be found in my Journeys® unit "A Boat Disappears" that can be purchased on TpT or TN.
All my units will be on sale for the
Teacher Appreciation Sales going on at TpT and TN.
Be sure and use the code TAD13 when checking out at TpT in order to get the addition 10% off.
Happy Shopping!


1 comment

  1. Hi Dawn,
    I just found your blog! I also teach in Texas and we just started our summer this week! woo hoo!
    I'm your newest follower :)

    Jessica @ Wild About Firsties
