Do Worms Like Light?

Sunday, October 12, 2014 No comments
We recently did a science investigation to see if worms like light.
We started by graphing our predictions.  

Each student got a paper plate, a worm and a flashlight.  They had to shine the light on the worm taking care not to follow the worm with the light if it began to move. 
 (we had a discussion about this prior to the investigation and we discussed that if the worm moved away from the light and we followed it with the light, then we were not letting the worm make the choice)

Every student's worm moved out of the light so our conclusion was that worms do not like light.

If you would like a copy of the investigation sheet we used to record our observations on, you can grab it at this old blog post.

I want to share a fabulous find I found while on pinterest.  See the tubs that are holding my student's place value blocks in the picture below.     Worth.Every.Penny.

Those little jewels can be found at Dollar Tree.  
Here is the original blog post so you can grab the cute little labels too:

Happy teaching friends!

Farfaria app and a Giveaway

Sunday, October 5, 2014 1 comment
I have been using the Farfaria app in my classroom for a couple of weeks now and I must say that my students are loving it! What I love about this app is that your students have access to over 750 stories and 5 new stories are added weekly.  Every story can be read aloud to the student with a Read-to-Me feature.   

We were learning about spiders this past week so I made several spider stories available for my students to read.  

Students can also explore on their own and make choices about the books they want to read.  Here, one of my students is in the "explore" section of the app where he can choose the type of book he wants to read.  For example, he can choose from adventures, fairy tales, make believe, and classics to name a few. 

I used this as a center this week and told the students they had to use Farfaria during their center time.  
During the day, I also let my early finishers use the ipad and noticed that most of them were revisiting this app time and time again.

In the picture below, I have shown a couple of stories that I will definitely be using in the future.  "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" will go perfectly with the story "Jack and the Wolf" that is in our Journey's basil.  I will be having my students compare and contrast the two stories.  We will also be using the story "Ben Franklin and the Kiteboard" when we do our Ben Franklin study. 

You can download Farfaria for free and read one story per day for free with no obligation to pay by clicking on the picture below OR keep reading to enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a free 3 month subscription to Farfaria.
Farfaria has graciously allowed me to give away one 3 month subscription to their app.  You can enter below.  The contest runs through Saturday Oct. 12 and the winner will be announced on Sunday.

If you don't win the giveaway, Farfaria offers unlimited access to 750+ stories starting at just $4.99 per month.
(I noticed while visiting the app store about this product that they have a life time app fee of $49.99 which I think is great for teachers.)

Follow the links below for more information about Farfaria:

Happy Teaching Friends!